Morphology on images
(topographic surfaces)
Consider an image as an intensity function (of 2 variables)
We can apply to it the
above seqences of openings, closing, hat transforms, etc.
One particular operation is
the flooding of the topography: a dilation from minima (or sources)
conditional to the exisiting intensity values (used as mountain walls
or dams to retain the "water" --- result of dilations with flat
structural elements of non-zero height). Each source as an attached
label or color, used to distinguish flooded areas. Loci where two or
more different flooded areas meet each other create a curve of
segmentation between them (or separatrix). Such curves tend to be
along the crest lines of the intensity function seen as a topogtraphic
map (also called ridges).
The Watershed
Transformation/Segmentation :