3. Image Processing Techniques

3.4. Morphology Operations

Mathematical Morphology considers digital images as discrete binary sets (lattices with a figure-ground labeling) on which to operate.

At its basis, one adds or removes pixels from the boundaries of features in order to smooth them, to join separated portions of features or separate touching features, and to remove isolated pixel noise from the image.

Dilation turns pixels "on" according to rules based on the number or arrangement of neighboring pixels.

Erosion turns pixels "off" according to similar rules.

Opening - an erosion followed by a dilation - and Closing - the reverse sequence - attempt to restore the original area of features but with some rearrangement of the boundary pixels.

Fast course on Mathematical Morphology: http://www.dca.fee.unicamp.br/projects/khoros/mmach/tutor/util/fast.html

Morphology for Functions

Dilation by a flat structural element.

Erosion by a flat structural element.

Opening : Dilation followed by Erosion: fills-in valleys (pockets)

Closing : Erosion followed by Dilation: cuts-off peaks (protrusions)

Application: Curvature morphology

Morphology on images
(topographic surfaces)

Consider an image as an intensity function (of 2 variables) I(x,y).
We can apply to it the above seqences of openings, closing, hat transforms, etc.

One particular operation is the flooding of the topography: a dilation from minima (or sources) conditional to the exisiting intensity values (used as mountain walls or dams to retain the "water" --- result of dilations with flat structural elements of non-zero height). Each source as an attached label or color, used to distinguish flooded areas. Loci where two or more different flooded areas meet each other create a curve of segmentation between them (or separatrix).  Such curves tend to be along the crest lines of the intensity function seen as a topogtraphic map (also called ridges).

The Watershed Transformation/Segmentation :

Morphology in 3D

  • 3D Mathematical Morphology via Wave Propagation

  • More Skeletons

  • More 3D Skeletons

Last update: Nov. 23, 2004