by J.A.Barceló Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.
By Donald Sanders, Learning Sites, Inc.
By John Kantner, Georgia State University
By Dennis R. Holloway, Architect, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA TECHNICAL PAPERS
By Mark Gillings, University of Leicester
By M. Pollefeys, M. Proesmans, R. Koch, M. Vergauwen and L. Van Gool, Leuven University
By Giuseppe Attardi, Marilina Betrò, Maurizio Forte, Roberto Gori, Silvano Imboden, Francesco Mallegni, Dpt. Scienze Storiche del Mondo Antico, Università di Pisa, CINECA -Centro Universitaria de Supercalcolo-Laboratorio de Visualizzacione, Italy
By Geneviève Lucet DGSCA, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
By R.De Nicola, B.Genito, A.Giordano, S.Guarino, S.Laurenza (Istituto per la Ricerca sui Sistemi Informatici Paralleli (IRSIP) CNR Napoli (Italia), Dipartimento Studi Asiatici (DSA) Istituto Universitario Orientale (IUO) Napoli (Italia)
By Jackson Pope and Alan Chalmers, Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK
By Emilia Pasztor, Curt Roslund, Akos Juhasz, Miklos Dombi Dunaferr Human Institute,Hungary, and Gothenburg University, Sweden
By Glyn Goodrick & Jan Harding, Department of Archaeology, University of Newcastle
By Cornelius Steckner, Römisch-Germanisch Zentral Museum, Köln, Germany
By A. Brogni, E. Bresciani, M. Bergamasco, F. Silvano PERCRO Laboratory and University of Pisa, Italy
By Rieko Kadobayashi, Kazushi Nishimoto, and Kenji Mase, ATR Media Integration & Communications Research Laboratories
By M.E. Bonfigli, A.Guidazzoli, (Supercomputing Group, CINECA and University of Bologna
By Dr. William L. Mitchell and Daphne Economou, Manchester Metropolitan University
By: Bernard Frischer (UCLA Dept. of Classics), Dean Abernathy (UCLA Dept. of Architecture), Diane Favro (UCLA Dept. of Architecture), Paolo Liverani (Vatican Museums, Dept. of Antiquities), Sible de Blaauw (Istituto Olandese di Roma)
by Louise Krasniewicz, UCLA's Digital Archaeology Lab ARCHAEOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS
By Arturo Ruiz Rodríguez, Manuel Molinos Molinos, Luis María Gutiérrez Soler, María Ángeles Royo Encarnación, Antonella Guidazzoli, Luigi Calori. Universidad de Jaén - Spain- and CINECA - Italy-
By Josep Gurri and Esther Gurri, Dortoka Disseny, Ltd
By Olivier Feihl, ArcheoTech, S.A., Switzerland
Charles Hixon, Peter Richardson, and Ann Spurling University of Toronto, WXXI-Television, Cartesian FX
By F. Martens, P. Legrand, J.Legrand, L.Loots, M.Waelkens, University of Leuven
By M. Louhivuori, A. Soderlund and O. Soderlund Israel Antiquities Authority (Jerusalem), Helsinki University of Technology and Micro Aided Design, Finland
By K.Uotila and M.Sartes, Aboa Museum, Finland
By E. Junyent, J.Lorés, University of Lleida, Spain
By Richard Lapointe, Université Laval, Canada
By Maurizio Forte, Inst.of Technology Applied to Cultural Heritage, Rome, and Davide Borra, Politecnico of Turin
By Sally Exon, Vince Gaffney & Roger White. University of Birmingham Field Archaeology Unit
By J.J. Prieto. Departamento de Arqueología, Universidad de Navarra. Spain.
By Vangelis Christodoulou , and John Svolos, Foundation of the Hellenic World, Greece.
By Klaus-Peter Beier et all. University of Michigan
By CERHAS: University of Cincinnati CONCLUDING ADDRESS
By Maurizio Forte, Inst.of Technology Applied to Cultural Heritage, Rome |