Last update: Feb. '98
Publications by Marc Pollefeys, VISICS, Katholieke Universitat of Leuven, Belgium
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Marc Pollefeys, Reinhard Koch & Luc Van Gool
ICCV'98 - Marr Prize
In this paper the theoretical and practical feasibility of self-calibration in the presence of varying internal camera parameters is under investigation. A theoretical proof will be given which shows that the absence of skew in the image plane is sufficient to allow for self-calibration. Besides this a self-calibration method is presented which efficiently deals with all kinds of constraints on the internal camera parameters and which can detect critical motion sequences. Within this framework a practical method is proposed which can retrieve metric reconstruction from image sequences obtained with uncalibrated zooming/focusing cameras. The feasibility of the approach is illustrated on real and synthetic examples.
This paper provides an "improved" way of going from the P's to the K's, i.e., the intrinsic camera calibration parameters (in practice, only the - potentially varying - focal lengths). The other steps above come from other contributions/papers. Note however, that contribtions to these other steps have been made by the Van Gool team, in particular within the VANGUARD project.
Given the following assumptions:
the paper proposes, in essence, to:
The first view is made "special": the principal point
is put at the center of the image array [u v] -> [0 0] and the
Projective matrix is forced into its canonical form: P(1) = [I | 0]
. Under this formulation the Absolute Quadric relation:
--> w(n) = P(n) O
P(n)^t = K(n) K(n)^t (eqn (3) in paper)
--> K(n) K(n)^t = P(n) [ A b / c d ] P(n)^t
(eqn (6) in paper),
where A is the 3x3 matrix K(1) K(1)^t ,
b is the 3x1 vector [a_1 a_2 a_3]^t
encoding the position of the plane at infinity,
c = b^t,
d = c . b = norm of [a_1 a_2 a_3]^t
and the LHS reduces to the diagonal matrix [ f(n)^2 f(n)^2 1] .
The bias toward the first view implies that eqns "for the first view are perfectly satisfied, whereas the noise has to be spread over the" eqns for the other views. This is not suitable for long sequences according to the authors. Note also that if we only have 2 views, non-uniqueness results in 4 possible solutions.
To obtain a non-biased solution to eqn (3), it is proposed to minimize
the following (non-linear) criterion:
Min SUM || K(n) K(n)^t - P(n) O
P(n)^t ||^2, (eqn (4) in the paper) ,
under the Frobenius Norm (for all
where both K(n) K(n)^t and P(n) O
P(n)^t are first normalised; this is standard preconditioning.
Note: It seems that equivalently one could have first rescaled image
pixel coordinates, for all I(n), to lie in the unit box
[-1,1]x[-1,1] before computing the P's (see Triggs).
Note also that in eqn (4) above, the minimization criterion is derived from the following algebraic consideration: in order to obtain "metric calibration from the projective one" the dual image conics w(n) should be parametrised in such a way that they enforce the metric constraints on the calibration parameters.
If enough constraints are at hand only one quadric will satisfy them all, i.e., the Absolute Quadric. Thus, "constraints on the internal camera parameters in K(n) have been translated to constraints on the Absolute Quadric." Indeed!
"The Absolute Quadric O is a
very flat dual quadric squashed onto the plane at infinity, whose rim
is the Absolute Conic C" (see Triggs' CVPR97 paper for details). The
projection of O in any given view
gives the dual absolute image conic w, where w = P
O P^t . It turns out that w
is also linked to K: w = KK^t , and thus encodes
the intrinsic camera parameters for any given view I(n).
During our discussion some people expressed their doubts in the usefulness of using such an algebraic abstraction, carying little geometric meaning (e.g. the eigenvectors ofOare imaginary). Others were rather positive about its potential usefulness ... We should (probably try to) tackle this "representation" problem more specifically in another session. Note also that the critique of John Oliensis (see reading suggestions below) is of particular interest here. Not only has he "doubts", but he makes a strong case against the use of algebraic "tricks" to tackle the Structure From Motion (of the camera(s) say) problem.
A matrix norm that is not induced by any vector norm is the Frobenius norm defined for all matrices A in the space of Real nxm matrices. It is equal to the square root of the sum of all squared elements of A (for more details go to some linear algebra ref.). It can be shown that the Frobenius norm of a matrix A is equal to the sum of the diagonal elements (the trace) of A A^t .
Did you know that ...
The first known example of matrix methods comes from the Chineese text Nine Chapters of the Mathematical Art written during the Han Dynasty at about 200 BC ! ... and it contains a description of the use of Gaussian elimination ... which was (re-)discovered in early 19th century, by Gauss himself! who coined the word Determinant. It is Cayley (a lawyer by profession incidentally) who defined the inverse of a matrix and provided the first abstract definition of matrices (and hence their algebra). He went on to prove (in 1858) that a matrix satisfies its own characterisic equation for the 2x2 and 3x3 cases; Hamilton proved the 4x4 case and these results gave us the famous Cayley-Hamilton Theorem (any square matrix A is annihilated by its Characteristic Polynomial: Det(xI - A) = 0 ). But ... it is in 1878, that our friend Frobenius proved the general case (unaware of Cayley & Hamilton results) in his treatise On linear substitutions and bilinear forms, where furthermore he introduced the concept of the rank of a matrix. But (the modest) Frobenius (1849-1917) is best remembered for his work on Group Theory.
One important (and recent) critique to the use of the Absolute Quadric (or Conic) has been that methods based on this algebraic representation have lacked "good initialization guess and have been proved very tough [to solve]" (see BougnouCVPR97). Clearly the paper of Pollefeys et al. provides a (seemingly useful) solution to the initialization problem.
Note that most other methods, i.e., not using the algebraic "trick" of the Absolute Quadric representation, have been "forced" to rely upon the use of classical (and brute force) methods to calibrate the cameras and "Euclideanize" the geometric structure of the P's (or F's if one uses the Fundamental matrices instead). In general, the method of bundle adjustment is used (comes from photogrammetry), which, as Pollefeys et al. point out in their introduction, "requires non-linear minimisation over all reconstructed points and cameras simultaneously" (dire straights!).
Noteworthy is, after all this has been said, that (see BougnouCVPR97):
Furthermore, at ICCV98, a paper presented by John Oliensis of NEC established the grounds of a Panel discussion on the merits (or lack thereof) of present "projective" approaches to Structure From Motion (SFM) problems versus the more classical Euclidean approaches. The latters simultaneously compute scene reconstruction and camera calibration. In summary, Oliensis makes the following critiques toward the "projective" approaches:
Oliensis goes-on by proposing his prefered strategy for solving SFM problems:
Well, well, onto new readings I guess ... some suggestions:
Marc Pollefeys and Luc Van Gool
To obtain a Euclidean reconstruction from images the cameras have to be calibrated. In recent years different approaches have been proposed to avoid explicit calibration. In this paper a new method is proposed which is closely related to some of the existing methods. Some interesting relations between the methods are uncovered. The method proposed in this paper shows some clear advantages. Besides some synthetic experiments a metric model is extracted from a video sequence to illustrate the feasibility of the approach.
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