Last update: Dec. 7, 1999

Publications on Heuristic Search :

BibTeX references.

On the complexity of admissible search algorithms

Alberto Martelli
Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 8 (1) (1977) pp. 1-13


This paper analyzes the complexity of heuristic search algorithms, i.e. algorithms which find the shortest path in a graph by using an estimate to guide the search. In particular, algorithm A*, due to Hart, Nilsson and Raphael, is shown to require O(2N) steps, in the worst case, for searching a graph with N nodes, if the so called ``consistency assumption'' does not hold for the estimate. Furthermore, a new search algorithm is presented which runs in O(N2) steps in the worst case and which never requires more steps than A*.

Dynamic programming as graph searching: An algebraic approach

Stefania Gnesi, Ugo Montanari, and Alberto Martelli

Journal of the ACM, 28(4):737-751, October 1981.

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