Swarm Techtiles: swarming with micro-texture

An image from a sax + brush + Swarm Techtiles, recorded 11th May 2006 (Tim Blackwell and Janis Jefferies, human performers). Background shows a few seconds of woven sound, particles (blue discs), attractors (green circles) and microtextures rendered into sound (red squares). The image also shows texture washing, a dilution of local textures as a result of rendering.
- Swarm Techtiles by Tim Blackwell and Janis Jefferies
- A sound you can touch, co-authored with Prof. Janis Jefferies, published at the Third Iteration conference, Melbourne, Nov 30th-Dec 2nd 2005
- A longer explanation of the above project presented at Generative Arts Practice, Sydney, Dec 5th-7th, 2005

Another screenshot from the sax + brush + Swarm Techtiles, recorded 11th May 2006.
- Swarm Techtiles: A Sound You Can Touch at EuroGP, Luausanne, Switzerland, March 30th, 2005
- Swarm Techtiles: A Sound You Can Touch at Creativity and Cognition 2005, London, April 14th 2005
- Swarm Techtiles: A Sound You Can Touch at the Ben Pimlott Building opening ceremony, Goldsmiths, London June 21st 2005
- Swarm Techtiles: A Sound You Can Touch at BLIP, Brighton Arts Science Forum, Sussex Arts Club, July 19th 2005
- Swarm Techtiles and Woven Sound. Tim Blackwell (sax) Janis Jefferies (hungarian brushes) at Artpool Gallery, Budapest, as part of Process Revealed exhibition, April 12th, 2006
- Swarm Techtiles and Woven Sound. Tim Blackwell (flageolet) Janis Jefferies (brushes) at Creative Cyborgs, Dana Centre, London, May 16th, 2006
- Hungarian arts TV programme Level Up. Footage of part of the Swarm Techtiles performance at Artpool gallery, Budapest, April 2006