International Studies in Humour


Volume 5, Issue 2 (2016)                        ISSN 2052-3475


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Humour in Italy Through the Ages. Part II.

Ephraim Nissan, London                              [editorial]  (pp. 1–2)




On Pascarella’s Discovery of America, or, On Being Gullible.

Ephraim Nissan, London                            [full paper]  (pp. 3–94)                  


Keywords: Historical Imaginary; Discovery of America; Christopher Columbus; Cesare Pascarella; Humour in epics; Dialectal poetry (in the Roman dialect); Gullibility; Competence vs. Incompetence.


A Comic Vision in a Folk-Taxonomy of Folk: Considerations about Giacoma Limentani’s Un’identità ebraica romana (A Roman Jewish Identity).

Ephraim Nissan, London                            [full paper]  (pp. 95–133)                  


Keywords: Giacoma Limentani; Roman Jews (early 20th century); Ethnography; Folk-taxonomies; Italy; Humorous nicknames; Comic vision.


Il Sistema Parodico. Parodie giocose e parodie sacre in Se questo è un uomo.

Alberto Cavaglion, Torino                          [full paper]  (pp. 134–145)                  


Keywords: Primo Levi; Parody; Sacred parody; Duty to remember; Holocaust; Paolo Vita- Finzi; Emanuele Artom; Guido Bonfiglioli.


The Caricaturist’s Committed Pencil: A Suggested Analysis

of the Italian Caricatures of Gabriele Galantara, 1888–1937.

Emanuela Morganti, Gatteo & Novara        [full paper]  (pp. 146–206)                  


Keywords: Gabriele Galantara; Illustration; Caricature; Goliardic; Satire; Humour; Italian satirical periodicals; Cartoons; Newpapers; Socialism; Political satire; Social satire; Proletariat; Fashion and women’s lifestyle; Fascism; Ethnic/racial satire.


Checco Zalone’s Unguarded Patrimony.

Carlo Annelli, Madison, Wisconsin                [full paper]  (pp. 207–224)                  


Keywords: Che bella giornata; Checco Zalone; Luca Medici; Terrorism; Comedy films; Cinepanettone films; Italian cultural heritage; Nepotism; Italy; 21st-century events in films.