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Department of Computing FAQ
This document covers some general queries relating to the department's main network login server, igor. Some of these questions are covered in more detail in other documents. Table of Contents
1) How do I connect to Igor from within the University?You can connect to Igor using a program called 'Secure Shell Client'
which is installed on all Windows PC's in the Department's labs. Igor
does not allow connections using traditional Unix programs such as
telnet and ftp as these are fundamentally insecure protocols which
can leave servers open to attack from hackers.
To connect to the DoC server Igor from outside the University, you will
need an account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that provides
you with a connection to the Internet. You can then connect to Igor
using a secure shell client (see 1 above) at the following address:
Within the Goldsmiths network, Windows allows you to access files residing on local network servers (such as Igor) as if they were actually stored on your own PC. This is done by 'mapping' your space on the server to a virtual disk in Windows, which you can then use as if it were an ordinary disk (like the C: drive). To map your space on Igor, do the following:
You should then be able to access your space on Igor using the drive-letter you selected above. 4) How do I publish my web-pages on Igor?Publishing web-pages on Igor is simply a matter of creating a directory called 'public_html' within your home-directory on Igor and copying your HTML (and related) files into it. Your pages will then be visible on the World-Wide-Web. For example, suppose user ma007 copies a file called mypage.html to their public_html directory. This page could be accessed using the following URL: http://doc.gold.ac.uk/~ma007/mypage.html
If your browser displays a message something like 'Forbidden - You do not have permission to access this page', you will need to change the default file-permissions of your files on Igor to make them accessible. To do this, you need to connect to Igor using 'Secure Shell Client' (or equivalent) and type the following two lines:
chmod o+x $HOME $HOME/public_html
The first line makes your home-directory and your public_html directory accessible and the second line makes the files within public_html readable. 5) Can I use email on igor?Yes, an email service is running on igor. This is completely independent from the main email service provided by the college. You can use the standard mail commands on igor, such as 'mail' and 'pine'. You can also use the email web-interface at: http://www.doc.gold.ac.uk/webmail Igor receives mail that is sent to either igor.gold.ac.uk or doc.gold.ac.uk. So if your username was, for example, ma123xyz, your email address for igor would be either of the following: ma123xyz@igor.gold.ac.uk 6) Why can't I login on the computers in the Department's labs?If you can login to computers in the library but not in the DoC labs (WB300/WB316/HH15/HH16), it may be that you need to be added to the DoC user group. This is usually because you are an international student or are taking an DoC course as part of a degree run by another department. If this applies to you, please send an email specifying your username to sysadmin@doc.gold.ac.uk to get yourself added to the DoC user group. 7) Why won't my PHP web pages connect to my MySQL/PostgreSQL database?If you are creating PHP webpages that connect to MySQL or PostgreSQL databases on igor, you must specify igor, doc or php.doc as the hostname in the URL, eg: http://doc.gold.ac.uk/~ma123xyz/mysql.phpor http://php.doc.gold.ac.uk/~ma123xyz/mysql.php You should not use www.doc.gold.ac.uk, as this will generate an error message something like:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pg_connect() in /home/ugrad/ma123xyz/public_html/mysql.php on line 13
8) Why is my web-browser reporting an invalid security certificate?Some areas of the department's website (eg. the Intranet) are served via a secure server which is certified using a site security certificate. This site certificate is updated periodically, which may cause web-browsers to complain that the certificate is no longer valid. To update your site certificate to identify the Department of Computing's secure websites, click on the link below:
Install the Department of Computing Site Security Certificate Last updated Thursday 1st October 2015 |