4th International Joint Workshop on
Computational Creativity
Goldsmiths, University of London17-19 June 2007
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Proceedings of the Workshop


1. Creativity in Narrative

A Computer Model that Generates Biography-like Narratives
Samer Hassan, Pablo Gerváas, Carlos León, Raquel Hervás, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain

On the Fly Collaborative Story-Telling: Revising Contributions to Match a Shared Partial Story Line
Pablo Gervás, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain;
Rafael Pérez y Pérez, Ricardo Sosa, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Narrative Inspiration: Using Case Based Problem Solving to Support Emergent Story Generation
Ivo Swartjes, Joost Vromen, University of Twente, The Netherlands

2. Analogy & Language

Evaluating Computer-Generated Analogies
Diarmuid P. O'Donoghue, NUI Maynooth University, Ireland

A Generative Grammar for Pre-Hispanic Production: The Case of El Tajiín Style
Manuel Álvarez Cos, Rafael Pérez y Pérez, Atocha Aliseda, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Tra-la-Lyrics: An approach to generate text based on rhythm
Hugo Oliveira, Amílcar Cardoso, Francisco Câmara Pereira, University of Coimbra, Portugal

3. Musical Creativity

A Hybrid System for Automatic Generation of Style-Specific Accompaniment
Ching-Hua Chuan, Elaine Chew, University of Southern California, USA

On the Meaning of Life (in Artificial Life Approaches to Music)
Oliver Bown, Geraint A. Wiggins, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Evaluating Cognitive Models of Musical Composition
Marcus T. Pearce, Geraint A. Wiggins, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Systematic Evaluation and Improvement of Statistical Models of Harmony
Raymond Whorley, Geraint A. Wiggins, Marcus T. Pearce, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Applied Creative Systems

A practical application of computational humour
Graeme Ritchie, University of Aberdeen, UK;
Ruli Manurung, Helen Pain, University of Edinburgh, UK;
Annalu Waller, Rolf Black, Dave OMara, University of Dundee, UK

Automatizing Two Creative Functions for Advertising
Carlo Strapparava, Alesandro Valitutti, Oliviero Stock, ITC-irst, Italy

Frameworks for Creativity

Algorithmic Information Theory and Novelty Generation
Simon McGregor, University of Sussex, UK

How Thinking Inside the Box can become Thinking Outside the Box
Chris Thornton, University of Sussex, UK

Minimal creativity, evaluation and fractal pattern discrimination
Jon Bird, Dustin Stokes, University of Sussex, UK

Creative Ecosystems
Jon McCormack, Monash University, Australia

Towards a General Framework for Program Generation in Creative Domains
Marc Hull, Simon Colton, Imperial College London, UK


From DNA to 3D Organic Art Forms - FormGrow Revisited
William Latham, Miki Shaw, Stephen Todd, Fréedéedric Fol Leymarie, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK

Towards Creative Visual Expression in Virtual Humans
Celso de Melo, Ana Paiva, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

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