FANTASTIC: A program for feature-based analysis of melodies and large melody corpora

One of the main deliverables of M4S is the open source program Fantastic, Feature ANalysis Technology Accessing STatistics (In a Corpus). FANTASTIC can be used to compute features from melodies and to derive feature frequencies and densities from large corpora of melodies. The program can be run in the R software environment. The program is divided over four .R-files which need to be loaded as source files in an R-session and can be downloaded here: Download FANTASTIC Source Code

The features and algorithms included in FANTASTIC are documented in this technical report: Müllensiefen, D. (2009). FANTASTIC: Feature ANalysis Technology Accessing STatistics (In a Corpus): Technical Report.

SIMILE: A program for melodic similarity computation

SIMILE is a program developed by Klaus Frieler and Daniel Müllensiefen for measuring the similarity between melodies. It has been developed from 2003 to 2009 and it includes a large number of diverse melodic transformations and similarity algorithms. The program can be obtained upon request from Daniel Müllensiefen (d.mullensiefen[at] and Klaus Frieler (kgf[at] The algorithms implemented in SIMILE are documented in this technical report: Müllensiefen, D., & Frieler, K. (2006). The simile algorithms Documentation. Technical report.