Dave Murray-Rust

MAMA: Using ideas from speech act theory to support musical interaction (18/01/07)

There are large areas of intersection between computational treatments of dialogue and music, as well as areas of incompatibility. When modelling situations in terms of rational agents, Speech Act Theory is heavily used, which supports content-agnostic protocols for negotiation and information exchange. By creating an analagous system for musical interaction, we hope to create a system which can provide a more "intelligent" interaction between virtual musicians and humans. In this talk, I will discuss some components of my Musical Act Theory, and what my conception of a musical agent is in relation to this. I will present some aspects of the design of my system, and how these relate to the theoritcal concerns. Finally, I will discuss two uses of the system, one experimental and one exploratory, and give some thoughts about where the system could move in the future.

Department of Computing, Goldsmiths College, University of London, New Cross, London, SE14 6NW

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