MSc Arts Computing Seminar

Catherine Gilloire

On "Sound-thinking"

-- Experiences in France --

December 5, 2006, DS space, BPB @ Goldsmiths, 16h -- 18h

(no. 36 on the map: )

Catherine Gilloire, has been teaching for 15 years sound practices in the fine art school in Bordeaux, France.
She will cover the following topics:
History of her studio and her teaching :

Some URLs (in French) :

The above will be followed by a pair of presentations by Researchers from our Digital Studios:

Alex McLean

on "Text based interfaces to music"

"I will briefly go over some background history of "livecoding" --- the use of textual languages to improvise music.  I'll then present some of my ideas and current work in this area."

Ollie Bown

on "Considering multi-user evolution of musical "Behavioural Objects""

"I will present some initial work on evolving simple recurrent neural network behaviours for use in live computer music contexts and discuss some ideas for how this initial idea could be developed towards a multi-user evolutionary system."

Last update: Dec. 4, 2006.