The Senster and other Interactive Cybernetic Sculptures

Alex Zivanovic

Imperial College, Mechanical Engineering

February 21, 2006, Lecture Hall, Ben Pimlott Building @ Goldsmiths, 17h -- 18h30

Arts Computing Lecture

Digital Studios @ Goldsmiths College


Edward Ihnatowicz was an artist based in London who produced some of the earliest interactive cybernetic sculptures in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In particular, he designed The Senster, which was the world's first computer controlled interactive robotic sculpture, unveiled in 1970 at Philips's technology showcase in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. The Senster was a large, hydraulically actuated robot which responded to the sounds and movements of the people around it. The presentation will describe the development of his work, describing how a conventional artist became a pioneer in computer art. It will give details of the sculptures, his ideas behind them and will outline works by other artists which have common features.

Last update: June 13, 2006.