Choregraphic Interactive Art

Gretchen Schiller

Brunel University, School of Arts

February 28, 2006, Lecture Hall, Ben Pimlott Building @ Goldsmiths, 17h -- 18h30

Arts Computing Lecture

Digital Studios @ Goldsmiths College


This seminar presents the way in which movement-based interactive art challenges the ways in which dance traditionally describes the body-medium. The intent of this choreographic research is to magnify and heighten the public’s awareness of how bodies are coupled to the environment through various processes of direct, indirect and continuous action-response and feedback experiences. The notion of the kinesfield is presented to describe this body-medium which shifts the locus of attention away from the body and space, or dance and technology as separate subjects of discourse, and focuses instead on the qualitative, relational and differential movement dynamics which take place among them.

Last update: June 13, 2006.