MSc Arts Computing


Digital Studios @ Goldsmiths College

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Director: Prof. Frederic Fol Leymarie

This programme provides an introduction to advanced
computing topics and techniques in the context of
visual arts and design. It will give you a firm
foundation in Computing, which will enable you to take
on a leading role in a creative or technical industry,
go on to do academic research at the boundary between
computing and art, or produce artworks that are
informed by the latest thinking in Computer Science.

One feature of this programme which distinguishes it
from most others, is its emphasis on giving you a sound
introduction to Computing as it applies to the Arts.
You will learn to open the "black boxes" of softwares
(e.g., to understand features and parameters behind a
tool like PhotoShop, and possibly modify these, or
invent your own), as well as hardwares (e.g., via
workshops on design and physical computing where you
learn to use sensors, and build physical interfaces out
of keyboard, simple electrical networks, LEDs, etc.).
You may not become an expert at any particular popular
softwares, but instead, you shall feel free to augment
or even reinvent these, think out of the box, and
create really unique applications and novel digital art
and practice.

What you will study

The programme is presently structured around three
taught units (one half-unit per semester) and one
research project unit. (NB: This is to be updated in the
near future to 4 taught units and 1 research project unit.)

Unit 1: Object Oriented Programming in Java for the (Visual) Arts

This unit gives you an in-depth introduction in the
object-oriented approach to the design and
implementation of software systems. The course also
considers the particular features of the programming
language Java --- graphical interfaces, event driven
applications, applications distributed over the Internet ---
that are most relevant for applications to the arts.

 Unit 2: Computer Applications in the (Visual) Arts

During the course of this unit you will study systems
for data storage and manipulation (aka "DataBase
Management Systems") that are relevant to the arts. You
will develop an understanding of the theoretical models
behind such systems and of the contexts in which they
can be used. You will also acquire technical skills in
the manipulation of such systems. This unit is focused
on database systems and digital media production
systems (e.g., Flash, Photoshop).

 Unit 3: Computing and the Arts

This unit provides you with theoretical and practical
knowledge of fundamental fields defining the
intersection between Computing and the Arts: models of
perception (cognitive, mathematical), computer vision
(where such models are put in practice for the visual
understanding of images), computer graphics (the
genesis of images and other datasets), image processing
(giving you in-depth insights in the computational
techniques behind most Photoshop-like tools), and more
advanced topics such as fractals, cellular automata, 3D
digital sculpting. The course is also animated by
invited guest speakers: artists, scientists, critics
(check the website for past events). This unit leads
you to refine and define a research project proposal
toward the completion of your final unit.

Unit 4: Research project

This is your final unit, which you may pursue after the
successful completion of all above taught units. By
that time, you will have define a project proposal on a
topic of your choice. We will support you with a
state-of-the-art lab. space: the Digital Studios in our
new Ben Pimlott building. You can find out more on the
website; check also the projects of past and present
students to get an idea of the depth and breadth of
these. Some MSc students have seen their work selected
for exhibits in the London area and even have been
invited to International Workshops and Conferences.

For more details, contact Professor Frederic Fol Leymarie
(ffl at gold dot ac dot uk) and check the website for the
programme, where course outlines, calendars of events,
links to past and present students and their projects, etc., can be found: .

Last update: June 6, 2006.