Name: Sorting Algorithms
Tech: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery
Platform: Desktop & Tablet Devices
Available Version: Try the Sorting Algorithms simulation
Game Type
The “Sorting Algorithms” interactive learning environment is a Puzzle, Point & Click game which attempts to abstract the complexity of the Bubble and Insertion Sort algorithms and acts as a practice space.
This is a learning based game but should be integrated with additional resources previous to exploring it.
Algorithms are a finite sequence of well-defined, computer-implementable instructions, typically used to solve a class of problems or to perform a computation. There is a numerous amount of algorithms which differ by complexity and implementation. Algorithms can be used to perform calculations, data processing, automated reasoning, and other tasks. This interactive game explores two examples of sorting algorithms; Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort. Sorting algorithms are usually complex to visualise as they require a lot of steps and computation. Against this background, it is very hard to explain and visualise the concept and steps behind algorithms with a standard theoretical explanation and paper exercises. The “Sorting Algorithms” is an interactive learning environment aimed at better understand the nature, steps, and performance of both the Bubble and Insertion Sort algorithms. Players compete against the computer to correctly sort a list of integer numbers in the attempt to match both the number of passes and swaps according to the nature of the algorithm. Players can then compare their results to the computer attempt and verify the correct use of the Bubble or Insertion Sort algorithm. The game offers a vast number of different exercises where players can choose to sort a list of integer numbers or alphabetical letters.
Terminal Learning Objectives
This interactive learning environment has the following TLO:
- Create a visual mental model of computer algorithms
- Understand both the Bubble and Insertion Sort algorithms
- Visualise the steps and passes of both algorithms
Game Design Values
- Experience: The “Sorting Algorithms” interactive learning environment is a Puzzle, Point & Click game which allows the players to visualise and practice the Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort algorithms.
- Theme: Players are in control of sorting a list of integer numbers or alphabetical letters according to their algorithm of choice. The choices are either the Bubble Sort or Insertion Sort algorithms.
- Point of View: The game is presented as a 2D environment containing images, dynamic content, and UI buttons. The game graphics are minimal but essential.
- Challenge: The main challenge is to compete against the computer in correctly sorting the given unsorted list of numbers or letters. Letters or numbers are displayed as a list of clickable items. Players have to correctly click and decide whether to swap items in the list according to the nature of the algorithm. Players can finally compare their results to the computer result and verify their computation.
- Decision-making: Decisions do not happen in real-time as players can take their time when making decisions.
- Skill, strategy, chance, and uncertainty: The game keeps track of players decisions and steps when sorting the unordered lists of items.
Players need to combine their knowledge and correctly execute actions. There are elements of uncertainty as random list of items are generated at each run. Players can also choose to sort lists of alphabetical letters and therefore increase the complexity of the game. - Context: The simulation is run as a web application. It has been used as part of interactive formative learning material on E-learning platforms like Coursera.
- Emotions: The “Sorting Algorithms” is meant to generate a feeling of excitement, discovery, and visual understanding. Students can verify their knowledge by comparing their results with the computer computation of the algorithms.