The UX Lab at Goldsmiths University of London is a teaching and research facility located on the top floor of the Richard Hogart Building. The lab is intended to to be used to answer the 3 following questions:
- What do users experience when they are using technology?
- Why do they experience what they do experience?
- What can be done to optimise the experience of users, and how can this be evidenced?
The lab consists of 3 main areas. The first is an area from preparing studies and experiments and working on UX investigations with participants and clients.

The second area is a dedicated test room where participants work on tasks where their behaviour and experience will be measured and explored.

The third area is a domestic technology space where investigations covering systems such as TV, spatial audio and immersive music, smart home and smart appliances can be conducted. In addition this area contains a car driving simulator where the interactions between driver, passengers and the vehicles can be explored.

The lab contains a variety of measuring tools such as eye gaze tracking (screen based or glasses), neuro cap brain activity measurement and various bio sensors including ECG, EMG galvanic skin response and temperature. Some systems can only be used in the lab, but others can be used to undertake studies in a location that is most relevant for the context being explored and accessible for study participants.

There are a variety of measuring tools and software available for use in the UX lab including:
- Tobii Fusion, Nano and Glasses for eye movement and gaze measurement
- ANT Neuro Waveguard Original and Net EEG Caps for brain activity measurement
- ANT Neuro Bio sensors (EMG, ECG, GSR, Temperature etc) for movement and bio-response measurement
- Video & Audio recording for use in studies in the lab, on campus or off campus
- UX Research & User Testing Software Platforms
- UXtweak (recently reviewed in collaboration with UXtweak)
- Optimal Workshop