Last update: August 2, 2004.
Publications by Prof. James Albert Sethian
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
BibTeX references.
J.A. Sethian, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Cambridge Monograph on Applied and Computational Mathematics
Web link:
R. Kimmel & J.A.
PNAS, Vol. 95 (15):8431-5, July 1998.
The Fast Marching Method is a numerical algorithm for solving the Eikonal equation on a rectangular orthogonal mesh in O(M log M) steps, where M is the total number of grid points. In this paper we extend the Fast Marching Method to triangulated domains with the same computational complexity. As an application, we provide an optimal time algorithm for computing the geodesic distances and thereby extracting shortest paths on triangulated manifolds.
J. A. Sethian
PNAS, Vol. 93, Issue 4, 1591-1595,
February 20, 1996.
A fast marching level set method is presented for monotonically advancing fronts, which leads to an extremely fast scheme for solving the Eikonal equation. Level set methods are numerical techniques for computing the position of propagating fronts. They rely on an initial value partial differential equation for a propagating level set function and use techniques borrowed from hyperbolic conservation laws. Topological changes, corner and cusp development, and accurate determination of geometric properties such as curvature and normal direction are naturally obtained in this setting. This paper describes a particular case of such methods for interfaces whose speed depends only on local position. The technique works by coupling work on entropy conditions for interface motion, the theory of viscosity solutions for Hamilton-Jacobi equations, and fast adaptive narrow band level set methods. The technique is applicable to a variety of problems, including shape-from-shading problems, lithographic development calculations in microchip manufacturing, and arrival time problems in control theory.
1. is an advantage with respect to classical Lagrangian methods (particle-based).
2. states that the method easily translates to lattices, since it can be casted as set operations (over finite domains).
3. is not a disadvantage...
The Eikonal equation states that the gradient of arrival time surface is inversely proportional to the speed of the front.
An approximation to the gradient is introduced: finite differences are performed, using an upwind scheme (to follow wavefront motion).
"The key is to select which grid points in the narrow band to update."
"each minimum trial value begins an application of Huygen's principle, and the expanding wave front touches and updates all others."
In 2D, it is proposed to use the 4 direct neighbors to approximate the gradient. In the narrow band, it is implicit that T (or phi) has been pre-computed; that is one need an hypersurface, limited by the domain of the narrow band (and possibly on a domain a bit larger, to avoid re-computations at eact time step), before taking differences. Then, the differences are taken, according to the proposed upwind scheme, using the previously mentioned 4 direct ngbs. This computation, is used in turn to set values of T ahead (at new "alive" points).
It is said that, initially the hypersurface values are computed via a signed distance function. This is done in the domain of the initial narrow band. Hence, it has to be re-computed each time the narrow band changes (is moved together with the front).
Sorting, along the front, is performed with heapsort together wiht pointers to the grid loci. The maintenance of the heapsort queue in the narrow band is of complexity O(log N), where N is the number of discrete cells in the band.
Interestingly, the speed function, F, is used to introduce diffusion to the otherwise reactive wave propagation. F can also be made a function of the propagating medium properties (as the classical model of wave propagation suggests).
However, it seems that the diffusion effects, introduced in the numerical approximation of the gradient to the hypersurface (front), are unavoidable, and pure reaction is difficult to model precisely with this technique. Fig.7, where F is supposedly equal to unity (hence modeling a pure reaction propagation) does not produce shar corners immediately, a sign of unwanted diffusion effects.
R. Malladi and J. A. Sethian
PNAS, Vol. 93, Issue 18, 9389-9392,
September 3, 1996
We present a shape-recovery technique in two dimensions and three dimensions with specific applications in modeling anatomical shapes from medical images. This algorithm models extremely corrugated structures like the brain, is topologically adaptable, and runs in O(N log N) time, where N is the total number of points in the domain. Our technique is based on a level set shape-recovery scheme recently introduced by the authors and the fast marching method for computing solutions to static Hamilton-Jacobi equations.
Keywords: Hamilton-Jacobi equation / Eikonal equation / shape recovery / medical image analysis / level sets.
J.A. Sethian
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996, 218 pages.
Cambridge monographs on applied and computational mathematics: 3
This book is an introduction to level set methods, which are numerical techniques for analyzing and computing interface motion in a host of settings. The numerical techniques can be used to track three-dimensional complex fronts that can develop sharp corners and change topology as they evolve. The text includes applications from physics, chemistry, fluid mechanics, combustion, image processing, material science, seismology, fabrication of microelectronic components, computer vision and control theory. The book is intended for mathematicians, applied scientists, practicing engineers, computer graphic artists, and anyone interested in the evolution of boundaries and interfaces.
The text is an equal blend of theory, implementations, and applications areas, including detailed descriptions of the appropriate numerical schemes.
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