Last update:  August 3, 2005

Publications by Jean-Francois Mangin* et al. on shape symmetry elicitation in Medical Image Analysis:

*Affiliations: Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot, Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (CEA), 91401 Orsay Cedex, France
Département Images, École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, 75634 Paris Cedex 13, France

Web links:

BibTeX references.

Object-Based Morphometry of the Cerebral Cortex

J.-F. Mangin, D. Rivière, A. Cachia, D. Papadopoulos-Orfanos (CEA), D. L. Collins, A. C. Evans (Montreal Neurological Institute) and J. Régis (Hôpital d'adulte de la Timone).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2003, vol. 2732, Proc. IPMI, pp. 160–171, 2003.
Also in
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 23, No.8, August 2004.


Most of the approaches dedicated to automatic morphometry rely on a point-by-point strategy based on warping each brain towards a reference coordinate system. In this paper, we describe an alternative object-based strategy dedicated to the cortex. This strategy relies on an artificial neuroanatomist performing automatic recognition of the main cortical sulci and parcellation of the cortical surface into gyral patches. A set of shape descriptors, which can be compared across subjects, is then attached to the sulcus and gyrus related objects segmented by this process. The framework is used to perform a study of 142 brains of the ICBM database. This study reveals some correlates of handedness on the size of the sulci located in motor areas, which seem to be beyond the scope of the standard voxel based morphometry.

Shape bottlenecks and conservative flow systems

J.-F. Mangin, J. Regis and V. Frouin
Proceedings of the 1996 Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis


This paper proposes an alternative to mathematical morphology to analyze complex shapes. This approach aims mainly at the detection of shape bottlenecks which are often of interest in medical imaging because of their anatomical meaning. The detection idea consists in simulating the steady state of an information transmission process between two parts of a complex object in order to highlight bottlenecks as areas of high information flow. This information transmission process is supposed to have a conservative flow which leads to the well-known Dirichlet-Neumann problem. This problem is solved using finite differences, over-relaxation and a raw to fine implementation. The method is applied to the detection of main bottlenecks of brain white matter network, namely corpus callosum, anterior commissure and brain stem.

From 3D magnetic resonance images to structural representations of the cortex topography using topology preserving deformations

J.-F. Mangin, Vincent Frouin, Isabelle Bloch, Jean Régis, Jaime López-KraheJournal of Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 5(4), pp 297-318, December 1995.

Keywords: medical imaging, mathematical morphology, deformable contour, Markovian random fields, topology preserving deformation, structural pattern recognition, functional brain mapping


They extract a 3D skeleton of deep sulci, based on Markov Random Fields, parse it into an Attributed Relational Graph (ARG) of connected surface elements. Then they define a syntactic energy on the space of associations between the surface elements and anatomic labels, from which estimates of correct labelings - and therefore correct matches across subjects - can be derived.


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