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January 14, 2024 - No Comments!

Legal Matters: Explained in Rap

Yo, listen up, I've got the scoop,

Is it legal for hospital to sell your debt? Let's regroup,

Check the cape law past papers, study hard, don't be a troupe,

Testosterone legal in US? It's gotta be a loop,

Need legal advice? Hit the legal and general live chat, don't go to group,

Understanding gnma va seasoning requirements is part of the scoop,

At the viu law café, dig in, there's no dupe,

Is dumpster diving legal in Tucson, Arizona? It's a group,

Owner finance contract for deed is no hoop,

Five laws that protect diversity in the workplace, listen to the snoop,

Get a sample independent contractor agreement in New York, don't be a nincompoop.

Published by: lsubi001 in Uncategorized

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