Creative Machine | Creative machines redraw art’s boundaries
A major exhibition exploring the twilight world of human/ma- chine creativity, including installations, video and computer art, artificial intelligence, robotics and apps by leading artists from Goldsmiths and international artists by invitation.
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Creative machines redraw art’s boundaries

Robots, 3D printers, video projections and customised drawing machines will create contemporary art during a new exhibition at Goldsmiths, University of London, this November.

Renowned Monash electronic media artist and computing researcher, Associate Professor Jon McCormack is one of the 25 international artists selected to exhibit works atCreative Machine.

A major exhibition, Creative Machine, will explore the twilight world of human/machine creativity, with many artists collaborating with scientists in areas such as Neuroscience, Bioinformatics, Maths, Biology and Psychology.

Associate Professor Jon McCormack said the exhibition is a fantastic way of showcasing how far computer art has come.

“Artists are pushing the technological and cultural boundaries of machine creativity with increasing vigor”, Associate Professor McCormack said.

“This exhibition is sure to cause significant debate as to what defines digital art and how the concepts of authorship and autonomy are altered by technology.”

McCormack’s work for the exhibition, “Niche Constructions” is an infinite series of abstract line drawings created by software agents that evolve and change over time. The software uses the biological concept of niche construction, a process where organisms modify niches through their activities and choices. Some biologists argue the process plays a fundamental role in biological evolution, human anthropology and culture.

The show will be curated by Goldsmiths professors and artists, William LathamAtau Tanaka and Frederic Fol Leymarie.

Artists will be using a range of novel technological approaches including machine learning, cellular growth simulation, fuzzy logic, organic structure mutation and automated aesthetic selection to create work, allowing them to explore new uncharted creative domains.

The exhibition encompasses six main themes: Mechanical Creative; Robotic Drawing and 3D Printing; Machine Image/Sound; Mutation Art; Pioneers and Critical Practice.

Original Article can be found here