Dual Universe
Dr. Jean-Christophe Baillie – CTO, Novaquark
Dual Universe is a single-shard sandbox MMO taking place on hundreds of planets, and focusing on massively emergent gameplay. Players are free to create their own economic or political systems, gather in organisations and explore the procedurally generated world for
resources and opportunities. Quite uniquely, players are also able to modify the voxel-based world: create cities, various scriptable constructs like vehicles, space ships or giant orbital stations. All players share the same gigantic “single shard” universe: there is only one reality, giving birth to emergent organisations and player specialisation around activities like building, politics, security, pirating, space colonisation and exploration, logistics, harvesting, manufacturing or industry production. Dual is a game where we will see civilisations rise and fall, empires and alliances unite or compete, in a totally free open world where everything will be possible.