Human Interactive | Total War: Creating a Very Large Game
To coincide with the Creative Machine exhibition Goldsmiths is hosting a major one day conference exploring the theme of human/machine interaction with leading industry and aca-demic speakers across computer games, robotics, VR, neuro-science, psychology, bioinformatics and computer art."
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Total War: Creating a Very Large Game

Guy Davidson – Coding Manager, Creative Assembly, SEGA


The Total War franchise has developed over the past fifteen years from a twenty man project to a 250 man project. The challenges involved in creating such an absorbing title grow all the time: as we add more features and create greater depth, keeping it hanging together and
keeping everyone communicating is an ever-present problem.

In this talk I’ll describe how the team has grown, divided, grown again, divided again and grown again, while retaining the required vision to deliver our games to a discerning audience. I’ll look at how we have developed an ever-more detailed AI, improved fidelity of audio and visual representation, and collected an awful lot of data from our users along the way. I’ll finally take a glimpse at what may be coming next in gaming trends, and why I am still a VR sceptic.