ECOLM - An Electronic Corpus of Lute Music

The database


This is, perhaps, the most straightforward entity in the database. Where possible, for prints, one instance is used (and its library location given). The main Sources table is set up as follows:

Source ID integer Auto-increment-generated primary key
Source Type string Manuscript (MS), print, Binding Strips, etc.
Source Format string eg. Lutebook
Source Material string e.g. paper
Source Pagecount integer
Source Pagetype string Refers to pagination method - folio, page, gathering, etc.
Source Width float In mm. Could probably be an integer instead
Source Height float In mm. Could probably be an integer instead
Source Binding text Any info. Unstructured
Source Title text As it appears in source. Slashes for line breaks.
Source Subtitle text Just in case. Currently empty. Perhaps unnecessary
Source Location string As close to standard RISM as possible. Prints should give library sigla then shelfmark
Source Comments text Any info. Unstructured

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