Human Interactive | Professor Elisabeth Hill
To coincide with the Creative Machine exhibition Goldsmiths is hosting a major one day conference exploring the theme of human/machine interaction with leading industry and aca-demic speakers across computer games, robotics, VR, neuro-science, psychology, bioinformatics and computer art."
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Professor Elisabeth Hill

Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London

Professor Hill studies and researches developmental co-ordination disorder, autism spectrum disorder, the relationship between social and motor development in typical and atypical populations, the role of alexithymia in neurodevelopmental disorders, mental health in adults with neurodevelopmental disorders, employment experiences of adults with neurodevelopmental disorders and those caring for a child with a neurodevelopmental disorder. She will be the next Pro-Warden for Teaching, Learning and Enhancement, taking this post at Goldsmiths in January 2015.