IS50004A: Introduction to the Use of Computers

This page will contain slides, lab notes, courseworks and other materials for the first term of IS50004A, 2012-13. The second half of the course (covering Study Skills) is delivered separately.

Office Hours

Autumn 2012
Monday 10:00–11:00 and Wednesday 09:00–10:00

For Christophe Rhodes' contact details, please see his home page or his departmental web page.

Teaching Materials

Slides, lab sheets and other material will be made available here after the corresponding lecture


  1. Assignment 1: deadline Thursday 22nd November 2012.
  2. Assignment 2: deadline Thursday 17th January 2013.
  3. Resit assignment: deadline Thursday 29th August 2013.

Reading List

Reading and working through textbooks and other appropriate written material is a part of the process of learning. The following are some suggestions of books and other resources that will assist in understanding the material and its context; books marked with an asterisk (*) are the most closely related to the majority of the course content.