Adapted by F.Leymarie, Aug. 1998


MAT to Boundary Representation Conversion

Pamela J. Vermeer, PhD Thesis, 1994
Department of Computer Sciences
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47906-1398, USA


The medial axis transform (MAT) has potential as a powerful representation for a conceptual design tool for objects with inherent symmetry or near-symmetry. The medial axis of two-dimensional objects or medial surface of three-dimensional objects provides a conceptual design base, with transition to a detailed design occuring when the radius function is added to the medial axis or surface, since this additional information completely specifies a particular object. To make such a design tool practicable, however, it is essential to be able to convert from an MAT format to a boundary representation of an object. In this project overview, we discuss some of the theoretical aspects of this conversion process, and demonstrate results of implementations of the boundary recovery process for a class of two and three-dimensional objects.

Ch.1 - Definitions

Ch.2 - Two-Dimensional Theory

Ch.3 - Three-Dimensional Theory

Ch.4 - Curve Examples

Ch.5 - Gear Example

Ch.6 - Airplane Wing Example
