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A Bunch of Squares

A video-mapped projection sequence containing three different scenes of square figures in motion. The work was projected on a ten white cube boxes structure.

produced by: Marina Cardoso


Considering the inherent aspect of offset and inner shapes within the square proportion, the idea of shapes within shapes relate to the proportional scales existent in most bi-dimensional systems as in resolution (square pixels). I wondered if by moving squares along their adjacent axis or their concentric proportions would permit a deeper understanding of the squared simultaneously and continuous movement of the video sequence.

Concept and background research

For this mapping sequence, I choose to work with a ten cube structure, organised as a nine cube regular pile displayed in a plane along the wall perpendicular to the floor, and a loose single cube in front of the pile, diagonally positioned. The concept is inspired by the shape itself: a bunch squares and their adjacent and concentric reflections. The square geometry was taken into consideration to create the animations. I have created three scenes using different animations and transitions applied to nothing but squares. The process was very experimental and I have managed to take some arbitrary decisions. The colour blue and its derived shades, as well as the slow fading gradient and glare trails were selected to promote relaxation and possibly a calm sensation.


During the full sequence, the projection changes three times. The first scene is intended to hold the viewer’s attention when the squares move from the top of the screen and reach its bottom. The scene ends when the last square on the top row hits the top edge of the screen, it means that the screen is full of squares. To create a more interesting effect, the colour of the shape were mapped and linked with the height position (Y-axis) to generate rows of different blue shades. On the second scene, two squares measuring half size of the screen follow each other, also resulting in a blue gradient transition. Lastly, the final scene fakes a 3D depth effect (Z-axis), as if the squares are moving back and forth.

Future development

For future developments, I would like to experiment with more scenes using squared elements. Also, a great outcome would be generating a quick version of my sequence to be used as a screen saver for desktop and mobile devices.

Self evaluation

Besides some bugs, I think that the colour palette worked well. The animations could have been a little more complex, with smoother transitions between them. Furthermore, the overall aspect of the final scene looks different from computer displays when projected. The fake 3D effect is not very convincible on the projected version.


Week 7 lab exercise - Revolving Doors